
Showing posts from January, 2023

An Intro On Cats

 cat , ( Felis catus ), also called  house cat  or  domestic cat , domesticated member of the family  Felidae , order  Carnivora , and the smallest member of that family. Like all felids, domestic cats are characterized by supple low-slung bodies, finely molded heads, long  tails  that aid in balance, and specialized  teeth  and  claws  that adapt them admirably to a life of active hunting. Cats possess other features of their wild relatives in being basically carnivorous, remarkably agile and powerful, and finely coordinated in movement. It is noteworthy that the ancestors of the other common household  pet , the  dog , were social animals that lived together in packs in which there was subordination to a leader, and the dog has readily transferred its  allegiance  from pack leader to human master. The cat, however, has not yielded as readily to subjugation. Consequently, the house cat is able to revert to ...